
Welcome to Nursery!

Miss Webb is the Nursery teacher at Roseberry and works alongside the two amazing Teaching Assistants Mrs Smith and Mrs Currie.

We are a 78 place Nursery, with some children attending in the morning, some in the afternoon and others attend all day. We offer morning sessions which run from 8:30 am until 11:30am, afternoon sessions which run from 12:15pm until 15:15pm and 30 hour funded places for working parents who are eligible. The children who attend our Nursery all day bring a packed lunch with them and sit in the school hall with the older children at dinner time.

In Nursery we promote being healthy by cleaning our teeth every day and promoting good physical health by keeping our body and mind healthy. We love playing both inside and outside on our amazing outdoor area and really enjoy our PE sessions in the school hall every week. Every day the children sit down together and enjoy a piece of fruit and a drink of milk or water during their session and we use this time to chat together about the Nursery session, what they did at the weekend, what they might be up to at home… lots of different topics! Each week the children cook or food taste and really enjoy making lots of exciting healthy things including banana bread, fruit salad and cheese and potato parcels.

All children have the right to relax and play and our Nursery provides an exciting and fun environment with lots of different areas to work and play, both inside and outside. Inside, the children can explore numbers, shapes and colours in the Maths Area, mark make and write in the Mark Making Area or share a book in our comfy Reading Area. The children can also enjoy exploring the various other areas, such as Construction, Creative, Small World, Funky Finger and Role Play. The Role Play area is set up as a home corner and we add to the enhancement resources each week to keep this fun and exciting for the children. We do follow topics each half-term but like to follow the children’s interests and plan activities and areas with these in mind.

We are very lucky at Roseberry as our Nursery has a huge outdoor area which the children can explore and investigate each day. We love running up and down the hills, crawling through tunnels, splodging in the Mud Kitchen and planting and growing in our Gardening Area. The children can work outside whatever the weather as we have wellies and raincoats for the children to use. The children get especially excited when it snows and are able to go outside and make footprints, snowmen and snow angels!

All children have the right to become the best that they can be and we promote this in Nursery every day. Children are chosen throughout the session to receive stamps on their Dojo chart for working hard and making the right choices and at the end of the week children are chosen as our ‘Star of the Week’, ‘Reader of the Week’ and ‘Mathematician of the Week’. These children will be those who have shown particular effort within their work, behaviour or personal achievement linked to one of our Roseberry Avatars or with Reading or Maths in mind.

After October half-term, our Nursery homework starts and we ask children to complete a piece of basic skills homework each week on the online platform Seesaw, and a creative piece every half term which we love to display in the Nursery. We have a number and shape of the half-term, and have a phonics focus each week which are displayed in the nursery cloakroom with additional information on what we are doing that week.

If you would like to see what we will be learning about in Nursery and to access key dates and ways in which you can support your child at home, download the Parent Information PowerPoint every term from the Parent Information Section of the Curiculum Page.