Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Mrs Bowey, Mrs Docherty and Mrs Hastings are the teachers in Year 5. Miss Garrick – our hard working teaching assistant – completes the team.

Our topics are very creative and we involve the children as much as possible in their learning as we fully support the children’s right to say what they think should happen and to have their views taken seriously.

Our weekly timetable is full of fun and learning. As well as exciting topic lessons, we have daily English sessions, which include reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation. We expect that your child reads at least three times a week at home and we would appreciate it if this is recorded in their reading diary.

Mathematics sessions are also taught each day. Basic skills, including mental strategies, are of high focus. We provide opportunities for children to apply these skills in a wide range of contexts. Times tables are essential to support calculations and problem solving, so it would be helpful if in addition to basic skills homework, time is spent learning these at home.

At the start of every half term, parents/carers will be emailed a Parent PowerPoint to inform on curriculum coverage, key dates and expectations for home learning. This year’s Long Term Map and Parent PowerPoints can be downloaded and accessed via the Curriculum Page. 

We are more than happy to answer any questions that you have about your child’s learning. You can contact school to arrange an appointment on 01642 360520. Alternatively, you can send an email to