
Our school works with the Local Authority to monitor and evaluate attendance and punctuality, including termly register checks, home visits and implementation of attendance procedures. Ofsted will be inspecting and judging schools on attendance and punctuality.

What does attendance look like?

100% – excellent attendance. Your child is able to access all of their learning, form friendships and form good habits. Children with 100% attendance are usually more settled in school and are able to enjoy all areas of school life. They are more likely to gain better qualifications and potentially will earn more in the future.

95% – expected. Nationally, all schools and children are expected to achieve 95% attendance. Children are able to access most of their education and are still likely to achieve good qualification when they are older.

At 90% and below, a pupil is classed as a persistent absentee (as defined by the Government). At this stage parents may be called into school for a meeting to discuss concerns regarding attendance and a support plan put in place. A school education welfare officer will contact parents as soon as pattern emerges to avoid children reaching the persistent absentee level.

At 90% or below, attendance research shows that missing just 10% of school can result in children dropping a whole grade/level in achievement. 90% is equivalent to missing half a day at school each week—4 weeks of school in an academic year.

80% and below. Any child in Stockton who has attendance of 80% and below will be highlighted on a register check by an Attendance Officer, who will investigate why attendance is so low. At this point school can refer parents to the Local Authority Attendance Officer for legal attendance procedures.

Penalty Notice Procedures are followed in school for unauthorised absence and term time holidays.

How to help your child and promote good attendance

  • Avoid lateness and holidays in term time
  • Contact school on the first day of absence
  • Make routine dental and medical appointments after school or during holiday periods
  • Only keep your child off school when they are genuinely poorly. They can still attend with a common cold and other minor illnesses. Contact school for advice if you are unsure

You can download a copy of our booklet, ‘Promoting Good Attendance’, here

You can download a copy of our attendance policy from the Policies and Procedures page.

Registration closes at 8:45am and any child arriving after this time with marked with a late mark.