
Subject Lead: Mrs Brocklesby

‘Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity.’
(National Curriculum)

Overall aims

At Roseberry, through music, we aim to inspire creativity, self-expression and to develop self-confidence.  We are committed to fostering a life-long love of music through exposing children to diverse musical experiences; to listen and respond to different genres.  Children are encouraged to find their voices as singers; develop the creativity to become composers, play a variety of instruments and have the confidence to perform.

How Music is delivered

Through high quality teaching, informed by Charanga, our music curriculum aims to

  • Engender the characteristics of our bespoke Avatars
  • Develop knowledge of musical language, features and key vocabulary
  • Develop children’s confidence to sing as an individual and part of a group
  • Support the creation and composition of music individually and with others
  • Understand and explore how music is produced and communicated
  • Listen to, review and evaluate the work of great composers and musicians from a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions
  • Critically evaluate the quality of music including how it makes them feel
  • Promote the characteristics of Artie Creative and Steely Resilience to allow children to explore their musical ability and to not give up
  • Promote children’s spiritual, moral and cultural development helping them to have a greater understanding of music across the world (RRSA curriculum)
  • Support the application of the core subjects of English and mathematics

Music objectives are taught within each year group in accordance with the National Curriculum.

Progression of Knowledge Skills and Elements Years 1-6 CHARANGA

At Roseberry, music is increasingly appreciated by teachers and pupils across school. Pupils are inspired to enjoy and participate in musical activities and are able to perform confidently in front of an audience for a range of purposes. Performances and school events have supported and improved parental engagement and attendance at these events. The teaching of music not only supports the well-being of pupils, it develops short and long-term memory and pupils’ ability to listen and concentrate for increasing periods of time. Pupils are inspired to be musicians, singers and performers and show an appreciation for a range of different genres of music.

Participation in music develops wellbeing and creativity.

Roseberry Music Development Plan – Updated September 2024