Health and Relationships Education

At Roseberry, our Health and Relationships Education (HRE) curriculum is tailored to prepare pupils for adult life, allowing them to develop fully as emotional, mature human-beings. Children are equipped with the knowledge of their health and well-being including their mental and physical health so that they can cope with changes in the future.

Our HRE curriculum is split into two frameworks: Health and Wellbeing, and Relationships and both can be downloaded from our Curriculum Page: Curriculum Frameworks.

The Health and Wellbeing Framework covers the following topics:

  • Drugs and Alcohol
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Health and Prevention
  • Physical Health and Wellbeing
  • First Aid
  • Healthy Lifestyles & Healthy Eating
  • Internet Safety

The Relationship framework covers the following topics:

  • Families and People Who Care For Me
  • Caring Friendships
  • Respectful Relationships
  • Online Relationships
  • Being Safe

In addition to our taught lessons, we have themed weeks/days, for example: Mental Health Awareness, Refugee Week, Anti-Bullying and Show Racism the Red Card. This provides children with in-depth focussed sessions where children think about and discuss difficult and thought-provoking topics in a safe environment.

By the time children leave Roseberry, they will be able to approach a range of real life situations and apply their skills to support them in their journey through modern life. Ultimately, they will be able to understand and manage their emotions, be able to look after their mental health and well-being and develop positive, healthy relationships.