Pop Pop Passion

Pop Pop represents the core values of passion and emotion. Pop Pop recognises that everyone’s passions are different and that everyone needs something to feed their soul.

At Roseberry, we are popping with passion! Enthusiasm for life beats through our hearts. This helps us to become confident, motivated and aspirational individuals.  All members of the Roseberry family are encouraged to build positive relationships based on mutual trust and respect to enable them to successfully express themselves in their own unique way.

Are you like Pop Pop Passion?

  • I am motivated and have high aspirations
  • I am always ready and prepared for school
  • I wear my uniform with pride
  • I can work with others
  • I believe in telling the truth and can say sorry when I have made a mistake
  • I can take care of my property, the property of others and of school
  • I can follow instructions
  • I am polite and respectful to others
  • I can say “please” and “thankyou” without being prompted
  • I can express my feelings and emotions