Welcome to Year 1!
Hello and welcome to our Year 1. Mrs Sharples, Mrs Brocklesby and Mr Loughran are the teachers in Year 1. We are very lucky to have a number of other adults who help us in Year 1, who always do their best for the children. We are excellently supported by our fantastic teaching assistants, Mrs Seal, Miss Knaggs and Miss Oxley.
It’s a jam-packed week in Year 1! As well as daily English, Maths, Handwriting and Phonics sessions, we have Topic, Science, Computing and RE lessons. We have just enough time to squeeze in brushing our teeth. Marie, our NHS Dental Nurse visits us termly to make sure we’re brushing hygienically, safely and sensibly too. Phew! You can find out more about our Topic sessions and what we will be learning about each half term by downloading our Curiculum Map from the Curriculum Page.
Homework is distributed to children each week on a Friday. It is due back the following Wednesday. Each child has their own homework book, which includes their basic skills homework. They will also receive a school reading diary and a pencil case. In line with our school policy, the expectation is that Year 1 children read at least three times each week.
Reading diaries should also be in school every day. Lots of adults enjoy reading with our children at Roseberry. They love to communicate to parents how brilliantly their child read with them, as well as record any challenges they may have faced in order to support children with these at home.
If you have any further questions or would like to find out anything else about Year 1, please do not hesitate to contact school.
At the start of every half term, parents/carers will be emailed a Parent PowerPoint to inform on curriculum coverage, key dates and expectations for home learning. This year’s Long Term Map and Parent PowerPoints can be downloaded and accessed via the Curriculum Page.