Welcome to Year 6
In Year 6, Miss Walker is the teacher of class 6R and Miss Grylls is the teacher of class 6P. Mrs Fox, our hard -working Teaching Assistant – completes the team and together, ensures that every child achieves their full potential and can be the best that they can be; learning is tailored to meet the needs of every child.
The teachers in Year 6 know that creativity and enrichment is an important part of the curriculum therefore they make sure that English and Maths lessons are enjoyable and that children always have the opportunity to make progress and challenge themselves and develop their talents. Children are kept informed about their progress and the next steps in their learning so that they know what to do to move on.
What is it like for a child in Year 6?
In Year 6, we learn about a lot of interesting and important things that will help us in the future and prepare us for the next stage in our lives: Secondary School. To enhance our learning, we go on school trips to see where our learning fits into the real life setting. Every day, the children are timetabled to use ‘Reading Plus’ and this time helps to consolidate and enhance their learning.
At the start of every half term, parents/carers will be emailed a Parent PowerPoint to inform on curriculum coverage, key dates and expectations for home learning. This year’s Long Term Map and Parent PowerPoints can be downloaded and accessed via the Curriculum Page.
We are more than happy to answer any questions that you have about your child’s learning. You can contact school to arrange an appointment on 01642 360520. Alternatively, you can send an email to year6@roseberryprimary.org.uk