To access information about Stockton Borough Council’s Schools admissions, click here.
Roseberry Primary School Admissions Policy
Places at primary schools in Stockton are allocated according to a set of admission criteria set by the Local Authority. There is no automatic transfer from nursery to primary school so parents must apply for a place for each child.
The criteria for admission are:
- Children with a Statement of Special Education Needs (SEN) that names the school.
- Pupils who are in the care of the local authority, or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order.
- Pupils with complex needs who have been discussed at the Moderating or Statements Panel and who have been identified as needing a ‘named’ primary school.
- Pupils who have a brother or sister living at the same address, who are still at the school when the pupil begins.
- Pupils resident within the admission zone who have returned a Common Application Form by the closing date (usually 15th January)
- Pupils who have social or medical reasons for being admitted to the school which would, should the child not be admitted, cause him or her to be seriously disadvantaged or put their personal safety at risk. In all cases corroboration will be sought from independent sources such as a medical specialist who has had continued involvement over a period of time; a social worker; attendance officer; or another professional. It should be noted that places would not be allocated on the basis of aptitude or ability.
- Pupils who live close to Roseberry Primary School measured in a straight line “as the crow flies.”
Places are not guaranteed for pupils who live within the admission zone, if the school is full.
On the National offer day – usually 1st March – a letter will be sent by second class post informing parents about which school their child has been allocated. Parents who applied online will also receive an email on that date.
A copy of our school’s admission policy can be downloaded from our ‘Policies’ page.