Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents
The following information outlines Roseberry’s plan for Remote Learning and aims to provide clarity and transparency to parents and carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire classes of pupils to remain at home or when individual pupils are absent.
How will my child be taught remotely?
At Roseberry, a combination of approaches will be used to teach pupils remotely, including:
- live teaching (online) zoom session delivered by the class teacher
- recorded teaching (from educational sites or video/audio recordings made by teachers or teaching assistants)
- work packs (CGP books, worksheets, etc)
- textbooks and reading books, for example RWI Phonics, White Rose Maths
- use of websites to support the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips e.g. Joe Wicks, BBC, The Oak Academy
Accessing Remote Education
How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?
Your child should know their personalised log-in details to access Seesaw; their q-code login details are stuck into their reading diaries. If they are not sure of this, please contact school via the year group email so that these can be sent to you.
You will receive an email with a link to all zoom face-to-face sessions. These will be sent in preparation for the session, usually the night before the lesson takes place.
If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home and therefore, pupils are able to borrow a device from school (iPad). We will set up a loan agreement and can support with internet connection via a wireless hotspot dongle and sim card.
If you need access to any printed materials or support with submitting work online, contact the year group email appropriate to your child and speak with your child’s teacher so that support can be given.
Engagement and Feedback
What do we expect from pupils learning remotely?
We expect pupils to work as hard at home as they would if they were in school. We expect them to complete the work that their teacher sets them and to submit their Seesaw tasks at a reasonable time each day, e.g. before 6pm. We expect children to put a high level of effort and pride into their work like they would in school.
What happens if they do not do this?
Teachers or Teaching Assistants will make contact with parents of children who are not engaging in remote learning to help them to continue their learning at home. If contact is not made with parents/carers and/or pupils continue to not engage with their learning, a member of the senior leadership team or PSA will intervene. Where engagement is of concern, attendance procedures may be involved.
How do pupils share their work with the teacher?
Work completed on Seesaw is automatically made accessible to the teacher. Any CGP activities and other paper-based activities should be placed in their home learning folder and, when the isolation period ends, the child will be asked to bring this back to school.
Will the teacher feedback on the work?
Feedback from teachers can take many forms and will not always mean written comments for individual children. Like in school, teachers will decide which pieces of work to mark and give feedback on. Whole class feedback, automatic feedback or another form of acknowledgement may be given via Seesaw or email depending on how the work has been shared with the class or teacher.
How can parents or carers communicate with the teacher?
You can contact the teacher via the year group email which are found in the ‘contact us’ section at the bottom of this page.
If you have any other concerns or questions, you are also welcome to contact the school office on 01642 360520 or email:
Please note, emails will be responded to when the teacher is available to and only between the hours of 8am and 4pm.
Contact Us
You can make direct contact with your child’s teacher via the year group emails (see below) if you need to borrow an electronic device or would like support with accessing the work.
You can download a copy of our Remote Learning Policy from our Policy and Procedures Page.