If you would like to find out more about our school, please do not hesitate to contact our Business Manager, Mrs L Maddison (based in the KS2 Office) or Miss A Fleming (based in the KS1 Office) on (01642) 360520.
If you require information about our SEND School Offer or would like to speak about your child’s SEND needs, contact Miss McCabe or Mrs Stewart (school SENCO) via the school office on (01642) 360520.
If you would like a free paper copy of any document on our website, please email: Roseberry@roseberryprimary.org.uk
Roseberry Primary School
Marsh House Avenue
TS23 2HJ
Tel: (01642) 360520
Headteacher: Mrs N Thornton
Deputy Head Teacher: Miss C McCabe
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs L Hollinshead
Safe Guarding Leads Mrs Thornton & Mrs McCabe
Senco: Mrs V. Stewart
Business Manager: Mrs L Maddison
School Administrator: Miss A Fleming