Sport’s Premium

At Roseberry we believe that Physical Education and sport, when taught well, can help children lead healthy active lifestyles. We aim to ensure that PE not only has a positive effect on our children’s health, but impacts positively on learning and behaviour in the classroom. We believe Physical Education and sport can help children to improve social skills and allow children to enjoy, engage and achieve in alternative learning environments.

As a school we will aspire to offer the following provision:

  • To improve the physical education experience for all children in our school.
  • To increase physical activity opportunities for our children.
  • To enable our children to enjoy a range of school sport outside of the curriculum
  • To ensure access for all children to high quality physical education lessons to develop fitness, stamina, health and well-being
  • To ensure the development of school sport is linked to wider agendas.

This will be achieved by utilising the Sports Premium funding and our school budget to action the following:

  • To continue to provide opportunities for children to represent school in sport.
  • To provide training as required for teachers and lunchtime supervisors.
  • To provide training for teachers in assessment and differentiation in PE through specialised day courses.
  • To purchase playtime activity equipment and to maintain / replace equipment.
  • To provide transport to link with other schools and take part in competitions and festivals.
  • To offer our children the opportunity to participate in sport beyond the curriculum
  • To ensure our curriculum offers opportunities for pupils to develop the knowledge and understanding of what makes a healthy lifestyle
  • To forge links with the local community to enrich the PE provision within school
  • To ensure all our children have the opportunity to take part in festivals and competitions
  • To facilitate activities to allow our children to know and apply skills across the disciplines in sport, and can swim at least 25 metres by Year 6.

Roseberry Primary School has a genuine belief in the value of sport, health and exercise.  We have a wide range of sporting activities to enhance and enrich our PE curriculum. Some of these activities are funded through the use of the Sport’s Premium and others are funded through our school budget

All our children access PE lessons in our school or at a recognised local facility including Billingham Forum and the use of facilities at local secondary schools when tournaments take place throughout the year. These activities cover a whole range of disciplines which include movement, fitness, dance, games, athletics and swimming.

Swimming takes place in Year 3 and additional sessions are bought in for children who need further support.

Our provision mapping offers a movement programme to enhance early movement and support for pupils with movement difficulties.

To further enhance provision a MUGA was developed to support sport throughout the day including at playtimes.

Sustainability is important to ensure our school has the capacity to meet the continuing needs of our children. Our school has at least matched the funding of Sports Premium and our financial breakdowns demonstrate our commitment to retaining the skills required within our own staff once the funding is withdrawn.

Click here to access our Sports Premium Plannning and Evidencing Impact July 2024