Subject Lead: Mr Trueman
Pupils will become ‘responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.’ (National Curriculum)
At Roseberry Primary School we want our children to be able to use computational thinking and creativity so that they understand the technological world they live in and how it is constantly changing. We use Teach Computing to equip children with the skills they need to become digitally literate; able to use and express themselves, developing their ideas through information and communication technology at a level suitable for the future work place and as active participants in a digital world.
Through high quality teaching, our IT curriculum and Health and Wellbeing – Internet Safety and Online Harms – aims to:
- Engender the characteristics of our bespoke Avatars
- Develop an extensive base of technological knowledge and vocabulary
- Develop children’s resilience and independence when working on technologies ensuring they do so safely
- Ensure children have a good and secure knowledge of technology and are aware of the dangers surrounding online safety
- Know where and how to seek help and support if they need it
- Provide children with the recognition that there is life and opportunities beyond Billingham and the aspiration they need to aim high and challenge themselves to achieve great things in the future including jobs of the future
- Promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development helping them to have a greater understanding of their place in the world, and their right and responsibilities to other people and the environment
- Support the application of the core subjects of English and mathematics
- Give opportunities to experience and explore the wonders of the world through virtual reality media
- Use a computer to program, to debug, to find information, to word process, to produce content and understand how it is produced
How is IT and Online Safety delivered?
At Roseberry Primary School, the IT curriculum is split in to five main areas:
Computing Systems and Networks
Creating Media
Data and Information
Creating Media
Each topic is built around a progressive framework that ensures knowledge and skills are firmly embedded in children’s long term memory.
Term/Topic | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
Autumn 1:
Computing Systems & Networks |
Technology Around Us | IT Around Us | Connecting Computers | The Internet | Systems & Searching | Communication & Collaboration |
Autumn 2:
Creating Media |
Digital Painting | Digital Photography | Stop Frame Animation | Audio Production | Video Production | Web Page Creation |
Spring 1:
Programming A |
Moving a Robot | Robot Algorithms | Sequencing Sounds | Repetition in Shapes | Selection in Physical Computing | Variables in Games |
Spring 2:
Data & Information |
Grouping Data | Pictograms | Branching Databases | Data Logging | Flat File Databases | Introduction to Spreadsheets |
Summer 1:
Creating Media |
Digital Writing | Digital Music | Desktop Publishing | Photo Editing | Introduction to Vector Graphics | 3D Modelling |
Summer 2: Programming B | Programming Animation | Programming | Events and Actions in Publishing | Repetition in Games | Selection in Quizzes | Sensing Movement |
What will be the desired outcomes?
Children will gain and retain knowledge of programming, creating content and using IT beyond the school. They will have a deep understanding of online safety and what to do if they do not feel safe. Children will understand how systems work and are able to speak about these using age appropriate and content specific vocabulary confidently and with interest. Increasingly, children will act as good citizens within their own community. Children will work collaboratively to solve problems and explain the processes they have used following the characteristics of Teamwork Tango and Eager Ethos.