History at Roseberry

Subject Lead: Mrs Martin

Overall Aims:
History at Roseberry is well planned and sequenced to ensure that children gain a secure understanding of local, national and global history over time. Children are provided with regular opportunities for practise, retrieval and reinforcement of prior learning. This ensures that knowledge sticks and allows for children to build on their historical knowledge in a meaningful and connected way as they progress through school. The wealth of historical knowledge children gain provides them with the necessary information they need to be able to ‘think like a historian’ and use historical skills to answer carefully selected enquiry questions in each period of history they study. Children therefore develop an extensive base of historical skills, knowledge and vocabulary.

How the subject is delivered:
Each unit of work is planned around four key concepts and enquiry questions.

Autumn Spring Summer
Year 1 The Gunpowder Plot
(Significant Event)
Local Inventors
(Significant Individuals)
Toys then and now
(Changes in living memory)
Year 2 The Stockton to Darlington Railway
(Significant Event)
Famous Explorers
(Significant Individuals)
Transport over Time
(Changes in living memory)
Year 3 The Earliest Civilisations (Overview) The Earliest Civilisations (Ancient Egypt) Stone Age to Iron Age Britain
Year 4 The Roman Empire and it’s impact on Britain The Roman Empire and it’s impact on Britain World War 2 Local History Study
Year 5 Anglo-Saxons Vikings Ancient Greeks
Year 6 Powerful women in history
(post-1066 study)
(post-1066 study)
The Ancient Maya
(non-European comparative study)

Our key concepts are: achievements, beliefs, hierarchy & trade.
Carefully selected enquiry questions organise our historical content to enable pupils to develop disciplinary and substantive knowledge simultaneously, with their understanding of each supporting the other. Our enquiry questions focus on one or two particular areas of disciplinary knowledge (cause & consequence, change & continuity, similarity & difference, and historical significance). Across the course of a unit, children develop the depth and breadth of knowledge they need to think and argue about the question. Pupils are encouraged to adapt and develop their judgements as their understanding deepens across a series of lessons.

Current Historical Topics Taught