Science at Roseberry


Subject Lead – Mrs Docherty

‘Pupils are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.’ (National Curriculum)

Science Termly Unit Coverage 2023-2024


Science termly coverage


At Roseberry Primary School we want our children to see themselves as scientists. We want them to ask questions, explore and investigate, hypothesise, predict and interpret phenomena.
Due to our children’s limited life – experiences and opportunities to explore the world we want our children to develop aspiration and understand that there are no limits to what their ambitions are. We want our children to understand that science can lead to a wide variety of jobs and careers – growing up to be an astronaut, marine biologist, researcher, technicians.
Through high quality teaching, our science curriculum aims to:

⦁ Engender the characteristics of our bespoke Avatars
⦁ To increase and develop children’s use of a wide range of scientific vocabulary, ensuing the correct use of science language when describing ideas, objects and phenomena
⦁ Provide coherently planned and sequenced curriculum (using our progression curriculum frameworks) which has been carefully designed and developed with the need of every child
⦁ We want to equip our children with not only the minimum statutory requirements of the science National Curriculum but to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
⦁ To provide exciting, practical hands-on experiences that encourage curiosity and embrace awe and wonder
⦁ Promote the characteristics of Pop-Pop Passion by providing stimulating, inspiring and challenging experiences to help every child secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as promoting a love for learning
⦁ Enable them to confidently explore and discover what is around them, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in
⦁ Ensure our children love science
⦁ We want our children to remember their science lessons in our school, cherishing these memories and embracing the scientific opportunities they are presented with
⦁ Promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development helping them to have a greater understanding of the positive and negative impact of humans on the world
⦁ Support the application of the core subjects including English, Mathematics and Computing and Physical Education

At Roseberry, Science topics are taught within each year group in accordance with the National Curriculum.

⦁ Topics are blocked half- termly, to allow children to focus on developing their knowledge and skills, studying each topic in depth
⦁ Every year group will build upon the learning from prior year groups therefore, developing depth of understanding and progression of skills.
⦁ Lessons include ‘working scientifically’ lesson objectives, alongside the science content
⦁ Teachers promote enjoyment and foster interest of the scientific disciplines; Biology, Chemistry and Physics
⦁ Individually and in groups, children apply their Teamwork Tango skills to explore, question, predict, plan, carry out investigations and observations as well as conclude their findings
⦁ Children present their findings and learning using science specific language, observations and diagrams. This may be in books or on Seesaw
⦁ Children are exposed to and supported to use the correct Science vocabulary. Teachers provide a language rich environment including resources such as science word mats and have science vocabulary (and definitions where appropriate) displayed in their classroom
⦁ Technologies, peer mentors and mixed ability groups are used to support and complement learning for all pupils including those with SEND
⦁ Lessons are ambitious and designed to give all pupils, including disadvantaged and pupils with SEND, access to the knowledge and skills needed to make progress across all science areas
⦁ To support children in their ability to ‘know more and remember more’ there are regular opportunities to review the learning taken place in previous topics as well as previous lessons
⦁ At the start of each topic, children will review previous learning and will have the opportunity to share what they already know about a current topic
⦁ Effective CPD is available to staff to ensure high levels of knowledge, understanding and confidence in delivering science lessons are maintained
⦁ To support planning and teaching, teachers can access a range of resources e.g., data loggers, easi- scopes
⦁ Effective use of outdoor learning e.g., eco- classroom, fire pit and pond/wildlife areas.
⦁ Effective use of education visits and visitors are planned, to enrich and enhance the pupil’s learning experiences within the Science curriculum. E.g., Children in Year 6 work with York University and local industry to find out about science in the real world e.g. visiting PX Group, Seal Sands
⦁ Seesaw, Twitter and other technologies are used to support learning including delivering, as well as showcase pupils’ learning and experiences
⦁ Teachers use highly effective assessment for learning in each lesson to ensure misconceptions are highlighted and addressed
⦁ Effective modelling by teachers ensures that children can achieve their learning objective with misconceptions addressed within it
⦁ Through using a range of assessment tools, differentiation is facilitated by teachers, to ensure that each pupil can access the Science curriculum
⦁ Children are given clear success criteria in order to achieve the learning intention with differing elements of independence
⦁ Pupils are regularly given the opportunity for self or peer assessment, which will then be used to inform planning, preparation, differentiation and address misconceptions within that lesson, or for the next lesson
⦁ Cross-curricular links are planned for, with other subjects such as Maths, English and Computing, P.E, Geography and Music

This well-designed Science curriculum will lead to outstanding progress over time, across key stages, relative to our children’s individual starting points and their progression of skills. Through various experiences, our science curriculum will lead pupils to be enthusiastic scientists. They will learn that science opens many doors and, consequently how this leads to their understanding of how science has changed our lives and how it is vital to the world’s future. Children’s aspirations will have been developed and they will understand how much science shapes lives.
Learning has been supported and evidenced in a range of ways, including our value avatars, pupil voice, pupil’s work and their enjoyment of science.

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